Nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, up on the slopes of Upper Mesopotamia, is a town that is veiled with a profound ancient vibe called Midyat.
The architecture in Midyat is an image of the excellent artisanship of Syrian Christian workers. It boasts of the ingenious predominant use of stone, which keeps extreme temperatures tolerable to the locals.
It provides a cool dwelling in the summer and a warm shelter during winter. All the Midyat Stone Houses were built by hand during the ancient times.
What makes the Midyat Stone Houses even more impressive is its intricate carving of different fluid patterns that break the imposing facade of the stone houses.
Visit Midyat
We stay overnight in Midyat on our five day tour of the Southeast of Turkey. Free time is given to explore the stone houses and narrow streets. Find out more here.